Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hello There Paleo Pals

Well, its been an off and on Paleo weekend for this diva. Something Im really excited about trying tomorrow is this recipe:

Should be interesting.

Paleo meals for today:


4 eggwhites, fresh strawberries and a nice spoon of almond butter raw

Lunch and Dinner:

Turkey Spaghetti on Spaghetti Squash.

Boring, but fabulous!

I found this awesome recipe for home made almond butter! Trying it tomorrow I'll be sure to give feedback!! Ta Ta! :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I now know what it feels like to be an addict.

Addicted to sugar that is.

Today's food:

Breakfast: Egg, Almonds, Fruit, Black Coffee.

Lunch: Salad with Bell Peppers, Tomatos, Red Leaf Lettuce, Tuna, Oregano, a few drops of Italian EVOO, Mineral water with the juice from my fruit in it.

Dinner: Salmon glazed with Honey, Sesame Seeds, and some other junk, and Cucumber Salad. Water


If I don't mention, the Peanut Butter Wheat crackers I had stashed in my desk I couldn't keep my eyes off of, or the 5 Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies I got from a coworker, or the free nachos I got at the gas station for pumping more than 8 gallons of gas, or the leftover Birthday icecream cake cupcake I had after my run, or the strawberries and whip cream I'm going to have for dessert.

But don't look at the negative!! I DID run today!!

On a more positive note. I do feel better. So since my main meals don't consist of sugar laden crap and Chic-fil-a I think I'm doing good.

Maybe I need to start this 30 day challenge over :]

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Paleo is awesome. I am not.

Just a quick update.

Although I have been adhering to Paleo for my main meals, I have fallen prey to my addiction. SUGAR.

At a gettogether last night I just HAD to have some of the cake balls and a coke, and today I saw some girl scout cookies at work and HAD to have one of those! Other than that I've discovered how much I LOVE mango, and am super sad I have run out of spaghetti squash.

I go already feel a change in my energy levels. I don't feel groggy and like I'm dragging throughout the day. It's the best thing ever!

Until next time....

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 1 = Success for Mae!

I think I like being a Paleo Princess! :)

I won't lie. I was crazy scared about starting this. Thinking I was going to have intense cravings for chic-fil-a, not be satisfied, or have a lack of sugar so I go on a binge.

After today all my worries have subsided and I'm excited to get a couple weeks in and start feeling the results (hopefully a SPIKE in energy!)

My first Paleo breakfast consisted of two Poached eggs (which I SUCK at poaching!) some strawberries, almonds, and coffee (of course with no sugar or cream OMG!)

Please note that it's on my green tree plate in honor of the point of Paleo! Eating from the earth! (Even though I think eating like cavemen is more fun to say)

It might not look like a lot, but I was very satisifed and energeized ready for the day! I had some more almonds and strawberries as a snack a bit later.

Next up was lunch! Chicken Fajita Salad. I don't think the pic does it justice.

Chicken was sauteed with Onions, Garlic, Bell Pepper, Cumin and Oregano. My house smelled...and still smells DELICIOUS! After everything was nice and soft I put half of the mix over a bed of red leaf lettuce with some Avocado slices and chopped tomatos.

Didn't even need dressing!!

For Dinner I had the remainder of the Fajita mix.

I also made some spaghetti sauce for tomorrow. So once my sauce was done I ate some in addition to my fajita leftovers. (Tomato Paste, Tomato Sauce, Mushrooms, Onions, Garlic, Oregano, Bay Leaves, Ground Turkey)

I also....was starting to crave a little sweetness so I googled Paleo Cookies and found a recipe using almond flour (that stuff is expensive!!).  The recipe called for Almond Flour, Egg, Vanilla, Honey (instead of sugar), Chocolate chips, I threw some hazelnuts and Cinnamon in there and some Baking Powder. And voila! Paleo Cookies! They were alright. :) Definately hit my sweet tooth.

I would consider today a success. I feel great already! I don't know if it's some sort of placebo effect. I plan on getting up in the morning to go run and am REALLY looking forward to eating my first ever Spaghetti Squash with my delicious Paleo Spaghetti Sauce! :D

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's Getting Closer!

 Got my Paleo Book in the mail today! :D

 Since our plan was start this Saturday I have some reading, shopping, and  binging to do! :P My birthday was yesterday so I pigged out on some cake and icecream. Today I didn't eat the healthiest either. For breakfaast I had coffee, I had a mid-morning snack of a wheat english muffin, Lunch was fajita
leftovers from my favorite Mexican restaurant with a Dr.Pepper. Then we had a going away party so I had a huge piece of cake and some cheese and green punch. I just had Chic-fil-A for dinner. And I'm about to eat a leftover icecream cupcake from Coldstone (Red Velvet with Cake batter ice cream and pink icing!).

Wow. Now I see how ridiculous that all is seeing it all typed out.

I'm taking a deep breath! I can do this!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 days!

Starting very soon, my sister and I will be embarking on our PALEO CHALLENGE!! Whoo! I've been a strict Paleo Girl for about a year now, I enjoy my fair share of cheats everynow and then; however I will adhere to the plan for 30 days! My sister and I will post great recipes, weight loss updates and our general feelings!! Stay tuned! Should get good!! Feel free to join us on our journey! :)

A glimpse into PMS

The Paleo Diet is a way of eating in the modern age that best mimics diets of our hunter-gatherer ancestors - combinations of lean meats, seafood, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. By eating the foods that we are genetically adapted to eat, followers of the Paleo Diet are naturally lean, have acne-free skin, improved athletic performance, and are experiencing relief from numerous metabolic-related and autoimmune diseases.

MAE: I'm Mae. I'm 24 years old. I'm addicted to sugar. Sat March 19 I will be embarking on a journey. A paleo journey (or maybe I should call it a Painful journey?). Eating the way the cavemen did. This is far off the food path I’ve been walking along lately. Full of my obsession, chic-fil-a, sugar, coffee, sugar,cake, pie, sugar. Don’t get me wrong I’m not THAT horrible I eat my fair share of fruits and vegetables, and love me some grilled chicken. But I spoil myself too often with this that should be eaten sparingly.
This could be the reason that I feel the way I do. Completely exhausted all the time. It could be the reason why my skin is less than flawless. It could be the reason for a lot of things. So follow along to see me make changes and the effect the changes will have on me.

But until then I will continue my awful eating habits and deal with my exhaustion. :P

Now…time to go to Subway so I can get a Sandwhich, Chips and a Dr.Pepper!! Gotta soak it up this last week or so. ;)